Knockoff Naomi

A few extra candidate commentaries for Minnesota. I'm no Kritzer, but I'll do what I can.

Dakota County

Matt Little, County Attorney

Kathy Keena, the incumbent, seems like a competent human being, but so does Little, and I like Little's forward-thinkingness about marijuana criminal record expungement, proactive defense of human & civil rights, etc. just a smidge better.

Seema Maddali, County Commission seat 4

(Coates, all but a western sliver of Rosemount that isn't voting this year, southern Inver Grove Heights, & southwestern Eagan)

Bill Droste also seems fine but I like Maddali's view on sick leave better.

I do wish I'd had time to call more county commission candidates, because this is some anti-voting, antidemocratic nonsense that desperately needs candidates who will roll it back to win, but I can't tell you who stands where for seat #4.

Chelsea Skog, Soil & Water seat 3

Seems to really care about ... soil & water. Yay.

Bigger races

Smaller races